Sweetgrass is considered sacred and plays an important part in Native ceremonies. It smells sweet when dried, and is traditionally braided for storage or use. It is also used in sweat lodges. Clippings are placed on hot rocks during the sweat. Sweetgrass is often burned after sage as a purifier to encourage positive vibrations or spirits to enter an area or room.

Native Americans have been using Lavender not just to heal the body but to fully purify the spirit. This herb brings balance back to life and purifies.

Plants are used by the Indigenous people of North America to bring mind, body and spirit into perfect balance.

Sweetgrass is considered sacred and plays an important part in Native ceremonies. It smells sweet when dried, and is traditionally braided for storage or use. It is also used in sweat lodges. Clippings are placed on hot rocks during the sweat. Sweetgrass is often burned after sage as a purifier to encourage positive vibrations or spirits to enter an area or room.

Native Spa